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This One Thing Will Help You To Get Over Your Ex Faster

We have all been there, you thought you found the person you would spend the rest of your with and now you're single. This...

There Are No Good Men Left Is The World’s Most Annoying Myth.

We have all heard it before; "There are no good men left". This ridiculous myth has been spread mostly by bitter females who have...

What Is The Greatest Jamaican Food Combo Of All Time?

Time to settle this once and for all. What is the greatest Jamaican food combo of all time? this debate has been raging on...

Apple Iphone X Proves The Customer Is Not Always King

We have heard it before, the customer is King and gets whatever they want. Well, Apple continues to prove that only applies to 'regular'...

5 Benefits Of Being Fat Compared To Being ‘Ripped’ And ‘Sexy’

Before I start let me make it clear for the hippies. I am not promoting obesity, I just think that as someone who went...

Why Are There So Many Single Mothers In Jamaica?

North, south, east and west! single mothers as far as the eye can see. It's almost as if Jamaican women can make babies by...
mackenzie bezos

How Much Did Marriage Cost Jeff Bezos Per Day?

As most of you are probably aware by now, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has finalised his divorce with his now ex-wife Mackenzie...
Trident hotel

The Trident Hotel Is JayZ & Beyonce’s Favourite Hotel In Jamaica

When Beyonce and JayZ are in Jamaica, they always have to stop by at their favourite local hotel. That is the Trident Hotel in...

Skin Bleachers Are Already Brain Damaged, No Point Warning Them

There has been a recent release warning people who bleach their skin that they increase their risk of brain damage and kidney failure. The...

Jamaica’s Young men Have A Shortage Of Great Role Models

Life is hard for the average Jamaican, not just because they have to deal with unemployment/underemployment, crime, lack of social mobility and general negativity....

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