Forget about Hollywood, this is the real-life story of August Landmesser. Imagine living under real tyranny, as in the true meaning of the word. I know alot of people lately spend most of their life crying and feeling sorry for themselves, so you might think you can relate. This is actual oppression, the type where if you go against what the leader says then you end up ‘missing’. In America, you can mock Donald Trump and nothing happens to you, not so in Nazi Germany.

In America, you can mock Donald Trump and nothing happens to you, not so in Nazi Germany

This is the story of a man who was living in Nazi Germany during the crucial 1930s. He was a member of the National Socialist Party(Nazi) and like alot of people who joined it, thought Hitler was the answer to Germany’s issues. The problem for him was, he fell in love with a Jew. Seriously I am not making this up, his life story can be found online Wikipedia Profile .

Now This is where the story gets interesting. To be in a relationship with a Jew at this point was a serious problem. Now again, I know we think we have problems with politicians these days, but this is the kind of problem that actually leads to real pain and suffering and not just taking offence to something. The easiest thing August Landmesser could have done simply ditched the Jewish girl and go find himself a ‘pure’ German girl that the Nazis would approve of.

Not August, this guy not only stick with the girl and gets kicks out of the party, but he gets married to her and has a child with her. I am not gonna go into the entire story as it has been done with even more details than I am providing here but as you can imagine it ends in a tragedy. The wife was killed in a gas chamber, August Landmesser was sent to war and died on a battlefield and the kids ended up being orphans.

This guy defied Adolf Hitler for his true love, what are you crying about

This man’s life story needs to be made into a movie ASAP, Hollywood needs to get some funding behind this and it is sure to be a blockbuster. The greater point, however, is just how far people are willing to go to fight for their love. I mean we cry about our parents not liking our partners, or our community not being happy with who we want to date. This guy defied Adolf Hitler for his true love, what are you crying about! The next time a woman tells me, her Dad or friends doesn’t like me, I am going to tell her “August Landmesser defied Hitler to be with his true love and you can’t defy your Father”.


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