We have all been there, you thought you found the person you would spend the rest of your with and now you’re single. This sudden emptiness causes people to act out in a number of different ways. Some decide they rather stick to the evil they know and crawl back to their ex, some go on wild sprees and end up doing something they regret and only make things worst. At the extreme end, there are those who lock themselves in and cut off the outside world. This post will show you a simple step to help you get over your ex.

Nobody teaches you how to deal with hurt and loneliness

Nobody teaches you how to deal with hurt and loneliness! It is not taught in schools and your parents probably didn’t teach you either as they likely haven’t figured it out themselves. Loneliness is dangerous but going back to someone who doesn’t love or respect you can be even worse in the long run. Let’s look at the best way to help you move on with your life, it still won’t happen overnight but it will make things easier.

1. Do Not Isolate Yourself From Your Friends And Family

This is the biggest mistake newly single people make. They turn into crabs and dig themselves into a hole, far away from contact with other people. This makes things worse as it causes you to OVERTHINK. All of a sudden, your mind is working 5 times faster, you start asking all sorts questions about what went wrong and what you could have done differently.

Alot of the things you will think of will likely be nonsense, but it doesn’t get checked because there is nobody around you to tell you so. The person who broke up with you could be entirely at fault, but when alone you always seem to find a way to blame yourself. This isolation leads to loneliness and this is the real killer. Human beings are social creatures, we just don’t do well when we feel like we are all alone and nobody cares about us.

The person who broke up with you could be entirely at fault, but when alone you always seem to find a way to blame yourself

Of course, this is unlikely to be the case, as your loneliness is self-inflicted. Your friends want to hang out with you but you keep making up excuses why you can’t see them. Here come the thoughts about nobody can love like **insert exes name here**, now you wonder if you should call them and try work things out. Some exes can usually smell blood like a wild animal and trail it. That is when they realize they can continue to have sex with you with no real commitments.

This will not help you get over your ex, just further inflict greater hurt and pain on you. When you are surrounded by other people, you are distracted from your current situation. Especially if you have really good friends, who would know you are going through a break-up and will make sure whatever is planned is just to put a smile on your face. Laughter is the best medicine and you won’t be getting any dosage when you are home curled up, listening to Sade Greatest Hits.

Laughter is the best medicine and you won’t be getting any dosage when you are home curled up

If you can pick up a new outdoor hobby, this would be perfect. The keyword here is outdoors because if it inside you might start looking at pictures of your ex and fall back into depression again. Fishin, running, join a book club etc. as long as you can meet and socialise with other people. It is this activity that will likely help you truly get over your ex. Now I know you’re thinking, the gym can help me get over my ex? well yes and no.

When you interact with other people, you will eventually start to find people who like you and vice versa. See this is where you find your exes replacement and truly get over your ex. This is not a process that can be forced, so avoid the ‘hookups’ that your sister suggest. If it is going to happen, it must be organic as you do not want to get with someone purely as a rebound. That is usually what those planned ‘hookups’ only lead to.

The most important thing about moving on is knowing what you’re worth. If you lower your price just to get a quick ‘sale’ then you will likely be going in and out of relationships more than an English Premier League team change coaches. We all remember Ashanti song foolish Song Here and you do not want to end up like her.

Just remember, socialise and know your worth


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