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Mother Drowns Her Baby That Was Only 10 Days Old

This is one of those stories that is both tragic and strange at the same time. 25-year-old Markiya Mitchell drowned her newborn baby boy...

Robert Mugabe and “Gucci” Grace Mugabe Detained By Zimbabwe Army

It was only a matter of time before it happened. Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace "Gucci" Mugabe are now being detained by the...

Pictures of Kenneka Jenkins Body In Freezer Released

This case continues to be weirder as the days go by. The pictures of Kenneka Jenkins body lying dead in the freezer has been...

Harvey Weinstein Gets Fired From His Own Company For Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Women

Another day and another Hollywood exec bite the dust. This time it is Harvey Weinstein, one of the most powerful execs in the movie...

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